My name is Blessing Olagundoye. I'm an undergraduate Junior student in the Laulhe's Lab at IUPUI. I'm a Chemistry major with a minor in Mathematics, Biology and African Studies. My career path is in MD-PHD. In Dr. Laulhe's lab, I'm currently working on Amide formation from Sulfide activated benzoyl peroxide. Amide is very important in organic chemistry and we are looking for ways to make it with a cost-effective activator producing high yields. I'm a scholar for Louis Stroke Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) at IUPUI IN and also a scholar for Diversity Scholar Research Program (DSRP) at IUPUI. These programs are the most prestigious programs at IUPUI that helps undergraduate students to succeed and gain scientific research experience from the undergraduate level. I'm very fortunate to be a part of these programs and I'm very fortunate to be in Laulhe's Lab. Laulhe's lab provides students with experience in scientific writing and in research as well. The best organic research lab at IUPUI. Undergraduate students work with each other and also gain more knowledge from the graduate students in the lab and also from our PI himself: Dr. Laulhe . Through this experience, I had the opportunity to go to the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) conference at Anaheim, California where I was able to make a connection with my chemistry research peers, faculty in my field and many more. A thank you to everyone of my mentors and peers who have been on this journey of a lifetime with me. Thank you.